Monday, March 11, 2024


I sit at the window

listening to traffic

I can feel the energy of my city

I can feel a million souls



playing music

making music




drowning worries

building and destroying

I can feel all this energy pass through me

like electricity moving through a wire

so many different frequencies

so many different textures, colors, flavors

flowing eventually together

if I can keep it from becoming ticklish

if I can keep it from burning

if I can just hold it, it's building

in me

as it pulses and finds a rhythm

a symphony of human motion

and emotions

it builds

it lifts me from my chair

I float up in my room

I find the center

I am equal distance from each of my walls

from the ceiling and from the floor

I start rotating

slowly at first

then spinning


and faster

until all is a blur

all vision is blended, streaked, combined, overlapped until it is blackness

a living blackness

all sound combines, at first cacophonous

then droning, buzzing, tighter until it is silence

I explode

the energy of the city returns to the city

it takes me with it

I am part of it as it is a part of me

I wake up cold in bed

I step to my open window and listen to my city

I can hear the far off freeway

someone is singing

a car drives by with loud bass thumping

it grows louder and then fades 

I close the window

shutting out the sounds of my city

in my small room

four white walls

as close as I ever get to silence

and I fall back to sleep

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